COVID-19 Precautions

Second Baptist Church of Elgin has worked diligently within Federal, State, and Local guidelines to protect our church membership during this Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Our worship services conform to governmental safe distancing guidelines. Hand sanitizer stations are readily available. The HVAC system has HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, and masks are required at all times while in the church building.


Thank you for your observance of these new regulations, as we adhere to the guidelines set by the State of Illinois amid the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.


  1. If you have a fever or are not feeling well, please do not attend the worship service.
  2. If you have been in the company of someone recently diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not attend church.
  3. Everyone who attends worship service will be required to wear a mask in the building.
  4. If you do not have a mask, the church will have them available for distribution.
  5. Please follow the directions of the Usher, Deacon, and Trustee Ministries.
  6. Please wait to be escorted to your seat by a member of the Usher Ministry.
  7. Once you are seated, please do not attempt to switch your chair during worship service.
  8. Members will not be allowed to save chairs.
  9. Families will be seated together at the same time.
  10. Please limit walking while in the church building.
  11. During the offertory period, please have your envelope sealed and ready to deposit. The Usher and Deacon Ministries will not be able to exchange currency.
  12. Services will be live-streamed to the sanctuary and online.
  13. If seating is at capacity in the Multipurpose Room, members will be assisted to the sanctuary for seating.
  14. After Worship Service has ended, each section will be dismissed separately by the Pastor and members of the Usher Ministry.
  15. We are requesting that everyone promptly leave the building after dismissal.
  16. During the Holy Communion Observances, the Deacon Ministry will place the Communion cup in each member’s hand.