• Dr. Barbara Bonner Director – Christian Board of Education
  • Deidra Puller Superintendent – Sunday School
  • Betty Carter Director – Library Ministry
  • Lucy Scruggs & Penelope Williams – New Members Ministry
  • Toya Badie – Youth Director – ELEVATE SBC Youth Ministry

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves: We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.  Psalm 100:1-3

Choral Ensemble, T.E. Bedford Choir, Precious Praise, Praise Team, Male Chorus

  • Rev. Latrisha Williams Minister of Music
    • Male Chorus – Christopher Oliver (President), Howard Taylor (Vice President)
    • Choral Ensemble – Rev. Marilyn Leveritte (President), Vernon Joy (Vice President)
    • T.E. Bedford Choir
    • Youth Praise Team
  • Josephine Bailey
    • Adult Praise Team
    • Youth Orchestra
  • Musicians
    • Jerome Cunningham & Bill Fullilove Guitarists
    • Terry Jones, Vincent Allison, Lamar Boyd Jr., Dante Leveritte & Cory Little Percussionists
  • Xanthia Hicks secbaptistchurch@sbcelginil.org

Teaching Ministries

The purpose of the Christian Board of Education is to nurture persons in Christian growth including training and leadership support. It is a task-oriented group: the groups primary function is to plan organize, evaluate and implement the Church’s education goals and objectives.

The Christian Board plans the annual educational calendar for the church. They arrange for leadership classes, lectures and/or workshops. All Ministries of this Church operate in conjunction with the Christian Board of Education. Second Baptist Church is a teaching Church. We teach God”s Word to all who come.

Psalm 78:4 (KJV) We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.

Dr. Barbara Bonner Director christianboard@sbcelginil.org

To develop a support network that is dedicated to strengthening Christian marriages and their families.

Ministry Leaders 

  • couples@sbcelginil.org

This ministry helps guide new members in discovering, developing and cultivating the understanding of their spiritual birth in order to become actively involved members of the Church.

  • Lucy Scruggs Co-Director – orientation@sbcelginil.org
Second Baptist Church will build a cooperative relationship with Ronald O’Neal Elementary and Larsen Middle Schools to provide hope and encouragement by being a support system to the schools in their efforts to improve the reading, writing and mathematical skills of students defined as academically, socially and behaviorally at-risk. 
  • Ministry Leaders

This ministry nurtures the Christian growth of those who attend Sunday school through the teaching of the Word of God and the use of other educational aids. On youth are promoted each year according to the grade they are promoted to in the educational system.

  • Deidra Puller Director sunschool@sbcelginil.org

To develop, educate, prepare and empower our youth to become the future leaders of the church and the community in the new millennium.

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

  • Toya Badie Director youthministry@sbcelginil.org

Teaching our children on their level – ages 6-12 years old with their own services. They are taught scripture and relevant life lessons, and black history facts. They participate throughout the entire service.

  • Rev Jon Pierre Badie – Youth Pastor
  • Shunnalo Brown – Musician
Children’s Church has returned via Zoom every Sunday at 12 pm – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84864087953

Service Ministries

This ministry enhances the worship experience by using today’s digital technology to engage with members of all ages either in-person or online. This makes church services more accessible anywhere in the world, any time of the day. This ministry provides services, such as live streaming, video on-demand, audio recordings and photography for the members and other ministries of the church.

  • Bridget Gillispie  Director av@sbcelginil.org

Psalm 96:6, “Honor and majesty surround him; strength and beauty fill his sanctuary.”

Mission Statement:

The Beautification Ministry’s mission is to make our church beautiful for the purpose of honoring and glorifying God.  We can strengthen this mission through prayer, faith, careful planning, wise budgeting and hard work.

Vision Statement:

The Beautification Ministry will provide services and offer recommendations needed to beautify the inside of the church building.  We will also advise and assist with decorations for church sponsored events.

Patricia Reed – Ministry Leader

This ministry provides transportation to and from Sunday worship services as well as transportation to church-sponsored outings. To arrange for Sunday pick-up, call the church at (847) 695-7757 and press option4.

Scripture: And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23

  • Katrina James – Director busministry@sbcelginil.org

This provides medical assistance and presents health educational programs for the entire congregation, focusing on the health issues that plague our community. This ministry of skilled health care practitioners attends to the physical needs of the ministers and congregation.

  • Pat Campbell Director – healthcare@sbcelginil.org
  • Colleen Emanuel Co Director

Mission Statement – To greet and extend a hardy welcome to visitors who visit the church.

Scripture – Romans 12:13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; Given to Hospitality.

The Hospitality Ministry is subject to the Christian Board of Education and the Pastor at all times.
The members have a warm and friendly personality radiating with the love of Jesus.
It is the duty of the Hospitality Ministry to greet and welcome those who are visiting the church during worship services.
The Hospitality Ministry shall provide visitors with cards to obtain vital information to acknowledge/welcome them to the congregation at a designated time during services.
After obtaining the necessary information, the Hospitality Ministry provides visitors with a Welcome Packet containing a Welcome letter, the church calendar of events, the Church’s Mission Statement, the program for that day’s services, a church business card and a thank you letter from the Pastor.
Using information collected on the visitor cards, the Pastor will contact any person who inquires about membership or has a special request.

  • Lynn Boyd Director – hospitality@sbcelginil.org

Our mission is to promote the use of technology for building and ministering to God’s kingdom and increasing awareness and utilization of technology as a tool ministry.

Connie Wallace Director itsupport@sbcelginil.org

With a dedicated team of volunteers, the Kitchen Ministry prepares and serves delicious and down-home meals at all special occasions held at the church, including repast for funerals.

  • Shelly Thomas – Director kitchen@sbcelginil.org

Ministry Purpose

The Library Ministry seeks to serve the church, pastor, ministers and members in their search for spiritual growth by providing written, recorded or artistic resources toward their religious curriculum.

The Library Ministry will preserve the history and heritage of Second Baptist Church of Elgin by maintaining communication from persons in the past to those in the present and to those in the future. All preserved material will be kept in the Library.

Major Activities
Update the church history
The 80 & Over Club
Maintain and keep all books
Purchase books for all ministries and provide photograph duplication.

Meeting Times
7:00 p.m. – 1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Other Information
The library will be made available for general use for 1/2 hour after 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship service.

  • Betty Carter – Director

The ministry assists the pastor and deacons with baptism, communion and counsels members as requested by the pastor.

  • Dr. Rose Evans – Director mothers@sbcelginil.org

This ministry nurtures the Christian growth of children ages one to six years of age in a fun and exciting environment. Books, videos and other teaching aids are utilized to accomplish the ministry’s goals.

Terri Young – Ministry Leader 

  • nursery@sbcelginil.org

SR USHERS – This ministry receives and greets worshipers as they enter into the house of the Lord. They direct movement within the sanctuary, by seating guests and collecting the tithes and offering.

JR USHERS -This ministry directs the youth of the church to receive and greet worshipers as they enter into the house of the Lord. They assist in directing movement within the sanctuary by seating guest and assisting with the collection of tithes and offering.

  • Diane Hodge President ushers@sbcelginil.org

OutReach Ministries

The Brotherhood ministry is a special interest ministry, designed to strengthen and encourage the participation of men within the church.

The Brotherhood meets on the fourth Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM in the fellowship hall of Second Baptist Church.

Mission: To develop powerful men of faith with a Shared sense of connection and purpose.

Motto: “Stay On The Wall”

  • Tony Lyke – Director
  • thebrotherhood@sbcelginil.org
Mission: Matthew 28:18-20 

Train members to reach the lost and expose the community to the church. Also, target and promote gaining new souls who will then be grounded in the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to grow in their spiritual walk, glorify God in every good work and deed. Emphasis on Back to the Basics of Teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Teaching to Reach and Reaching to Teach. 

  • Rev. Patricia Hopson – Director
The Missionary Ministry is compelled to serve the body of Christ ministering to one another in fellowship and by providing comfort to others, using the gifts God has imparted for edification, ministering and demonstrating the many facets of God’s grace.  Our stewardship is to those in the body of Christ and those in our communities having physical, spiritual and emotional support needs as well as those who may be seeking Christ.
II Corinthians 1:3-4 (NKJV) – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
I Peter4: 10 (NKJV) -As each one has received a gift, minister it to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 
Activities of the Missionary Ministry:
  • Sister to Sister Fellowships 2-3 times yearly
  • (2 inhouse get togethers, 1 off campus outing)
  • Annual November Prayer Breakfast
  • Thanksgiving Blessing Baskets
  • Giving Tree
  • Compassion Care Cards and Projects Minis
Weekly Activity:
Intercessory Prayer – Saturday mornings 8A-9A
Monthly Activities:
Rosewood Care Center 2355 Royal Blvd., Elgin 60123
Tower Hill Health Care 759 Kane St, South Elgin 60177
The Vine @ Countryside 971 Bode Rd, Elgin 60120
River View Rehab Center 50 N Jane Dr., Elgin 60123
  • President – Cheryl Macon
  • Ministerial Spiritual Advisor – Rev. Patricia Williams
  • Ministry Deacon – Deacon Frank Barber 
  • Monthly Meeting: 1st Monday of each month 7:00pm fellowship hall

This ministry shares the Good News of the Gospel with persons incarcerated at the Kane County Adult Justice Center by providing spiritual and emotional support through regularly scheduled worship / bible study services at the jail.

  • Rev. Andrew Love Director
The purpose of the Public Relations ministry is to promote the “Good News” internally and externally via print and digital media.
The mission of the ministry is Matthew 5:14-15 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
  • Sharon Jackson – Director  pr@sbcelginil.org

Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide a ministry to single adults who foster community and individual wholeness through a healthy, thriving relationship with God and each other; and to make a real difference in our city through outreach to the community.

Scripture: Psalm 37: 4 – 7 NIV

4 He chose our inheritance for us, the pride of Jacob, whom he loved.

5 God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the Lord amid the sounding of trumpets.

6 Sing praises to God, sing praises; ? sing praises to our King, sing praises.

7 For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise.

  • Sheila Redmon – President

The purpose of the Young Adult Ministry is to establish steady ground for steps of faith and Godly walks within a fellowship of young adults from the ages of 18-35 years of age.

  • yams@sbcelginil.org
The mission of the SAFE Ministry (Standing Against Abuse for Everyone) is to break the generational cycle of domestic violence. SAFE provides a Christ-centered approach to supporting and empowering women and children who are confronting the issue of domestic violence in their lives. We provide confidentiality, safety, counseling, education and referrals for abused women and their families.
The objective of the Second Baptist Church Domestic Violence Ministry is to break the cycle of domestic violence by:
  1. Offering a Christ-centered, biblical approach to combating domestic violence within the family and the Church
  2. Providing support for women who are experiencing domestic violence
  3. Educating women, the Church and community regarding the dynamics of domestic violence and providing women with the necessary tools to break the cycle of violence and live healthy productive lives
  4. Provide educational resources to support pastoral care for women and their children dealing with domestic violence
  5. Educate teens, young adults and their parents regarding the issues of domestic violence within teen / young adult dating relationships.
  • LaTanya Furdge – Director

The mission of the Veterans Ministry is to function as an in-reach and out-reach service body of military Veterans dedicated to providing a unifying support of Veterans, their family, service organizations and those currently serving in the armed forces, to ignite a passion to follow Jesus on the home front and on the battlefield throughout the year.

Meeting time:  Second Saturday of every month, 9am